Sunday, June 28, 2009

Medical Billing: The Benefits of Technology Advancements

The ability to do medical billing and coding online is great opportunity. However, you need to be somewhat cautious before you even get started. Why? Because there are numerous scams online all trying to sell you crap. The amount of scams has even drawn the eye of the Federal Trade Commission.

Unfortunately, even the legit companies will probably let you down. It's usually not because of a shoddy product. It's because they tend to over-promise and under-deliver. For example, job placement companies promise to place you with a company, but do little more than provide you with a generic list of medical billing company.

External Resources:
Scams: A Quick Guide to Avoiding Shady Medical Billing Companies
Tech Advancements in the Medical Billing Industry

1 comment:

  1. This blog is having the very nice information about medical billing services. Here we can have all the information about medical billing and collections.
